
Wednesday, 19 December 2012

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog That Will Make You Money

Is your blog starving for targeted traffic? Do you find that you are the only one visiting your blog? Are you looking for a way to get more targeted traffic to your blog?

A blog without traffic is like putting a billboard up in the middle of the desert with no one in sight. To start getting people to your blog, you need to create a highway for people to get to your blog.
How to Get Traffic to Your Blog - Blog Daily
The best thing to do to get blog traffic is to start blogging consistently and post a blog post once a day for the next 90 days. Before doing each post you will want to plan what the post is going to be about. You will also want to plan what you want your visitor to do.
You want them to engage and opt in? Do you want them to engage in purchase? Do you want them to engage in click through?

When you come up with a topic of what the post is going to be about, you'll want to do some keyword research with Google keywords. You want to know what people are looking for and how many people are competing for the keyword.
If you want blog about blog traffic, you will want to type that in and see what keywords people are looking for. Some keywords could include how to get blog traffic, how to increase blog traffic, or get traffic to your blog. You will want to see what the competition like what the monthly searches are like to determine what keywords you use.
How to Get Traffic to Your Blog - Syndication
After you write your blog post, you will want to syndicate your blog posts to different social networking sites to get back links. There are a lot social networking sites around that you can bookmark your blog posts to. Some sites include Twitter, Facebook, Google G+, and hub Pages.

You could bookmark your blog post manually by going through each social networking site, or you could use a social bookmarking service such as the Onlywire which with a paid subscription starting at $10, you can have your blog post syndicated to about 40 different social bookmarking sites.
You can also, join, which is a network of bloggers who share each other's content through auto syndication. This site has helped me to get more traffic to my blog. It saves you a lot of time especially if you only have a couple of hours during the day since your blog posts will be syndicated automatically.
You can join for free, but you will not have the automatic features of a paid membership. A paid membership starts at $39 a month, but is well worth its especially if you're going blogging every day.
Want to learn more on Driving Traffic to Your Blog? Visit Ted Hunsaker's Blog for more information on how to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Blog.


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