Welcome to our website. Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum eu usu assum liberavisse, ut munere praesent complectitur mea. Sit an option maiorum principes. Ne per probo magna idque, est veniam exerci appareat no. Sit at amet propriae intellegebat, natum iusto forensibus duo ut. Pro hinc aperiri fabulas ut, probo tractatos euripidis an vis, ignota oblique.

Ad ius munere soluta deterruisset, quot veri id vim, te vel bonorum ornatus persequeris. Maecenas ornare tortor. Donec sed tellus eget sapien fringilla nonummy. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus.


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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Blog Big or Go Home!

If you own a small business with products that rely heavily on e-commerce, maintaining a website and social media presence is more than a necessity.
As such, procuring web space for a blog is essential in order to make surfers aware of your product or service while driving traffic to your company's website.
However, simply establishing a blog and updating it with content is not enough.
Massive competition for clicks and views-user attention-is ubiquitous online, so it is wise to employ a variety of tactics and strategies to make a blog stand out and ultimately successful.

A successful blog requires more than a few posts advertising your product or service.
The blogging game involves good branding, smart marketing, great design, and content that is not corny, cliché, or overzealous.
Successful blogs make use of high quality images and pictures, a format or design that doesn't simply look like a stock template from many of the free blog services, grammatically correct content, a few (rather than many) URL links to a product or service or other posts in the blog.
Repeating a key word three or four times in a 500-word post will help make specific blog posts appear in search results, but blog owners should follow the rules and avoid misleading or deceptive marketing techniques to get attention.
Users will recognize this and often leave your blog-and business-in the dark.
Anything you can do to make the user stay on your blog or visit your website more quickly - the better. Informative content, interactive design, and eye-catching imagery are all things successful blogs strive for.
Advertising your blog offline also helps (i.e with a business card or flyer), but it works just as well when you include a link in an e-mail signature, on other message boards or blog comment sections, and on e-classifieds.
Including information about your blog on a social media site such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or Reddit can also help increase traffic to your own personalized corner of the web.
Maintaining updated content is tremendously important.
While some blogs update daily, other sites recommend updating 3-4 times daily for a truly successful blog. However, it is important to avoid repetitive content, fluff content, and all spelling and grammatical errors.
Clarity, sharpness, creative, and original content will be rewarded with more traffic. Maintaining a consistent effort in updating your blog will eventually land you a valuable product online filled with strong and original content people will actually want to read.

This ultimately means more people are likely to get to know what you're offering and then go to your website to pay money for it.
As you become more experienced in the world of blogging, more advanced techniques can be utilized to sustain and increase traffic and popularity.
Some websites offer free tests and evaluation of how well a blog is employing a variety of these strategies, so it is often useful to find a free or inexpensive service that will offer a diagnostic test of a blog or website.
Beyond this, maintaining updates and a distinct character will significantly increase the success of a blog, no matter the topic or subject matter. If you build it (well), they will come!
The online world can be very complicated place. Want to reach higher goals with these top WordPress plugins? I am Samuel and I own Internet Dreams. Internet dreams is a place where you can engage and learn how to set up and succeed with your blog or site. Internet Dreams talks about SEO, blogging, social media, and much more...

Use Your Super Brain for Online Success

Ignite your Super Brain for Success
have been practicing Yoga for about 13 years now on a regular bases. Not just the physical aspects of Yoga called Hatha Yoga, but the other powerful tools that it provides as well. Yoga teaches the power of balancing Mind, Body and Spirit. The ancients of many traditions have known the power of the mind over the brain and physical body for thousands of years. This concept has been very present in Eastern spiritual traditions and yes even very early on in Western traditions as well. This is why you will find activities, exercises and tools in these traditions that help one to control their thoughts and take control of the mind. Being the controller instead of the controlled is what opens the gateway to health, creativity,imagination, exploration and the other amazing aspects of this grand universe.

I have been following Deepak Chopra for years. He is a medical doctor as well as a master spiritual teacher. I have found great benefit in his guided meditations and his books on spiritual growth and development. He has always talked about the power of thoughts. In congruence with yoga philosophy, thoughts are extremely powerful either helping or hindering our growth and development. To bring about physical,mental, emotional healing we must pay attention to what we are focusing our thoughts on. This plays a key role in what we create and bring into our life experience.
I became intrigued recently following Deepak Chopra on Facebook. He has been posting blurbs about his new book with Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D. " SUPER BRAIN". After reading several posts I knew I had to have a copy and I can tell you I am so glad I purchased it. I am excited about the way Science and Spirit have come together. Entirely too much information to get into here, but I can say they have dismantled many of the myths surrounding the brain and this my friends is good news for us. Bottom line is that the brain has an amazing ability to heal and repair and rejuvenate. This is something my favorite Bio Scientist, Stephen Cherniske has been telling us for years. He is the Chief Science Officer of Univera ( My Favorite Restorative Nutrition Company) and has been the mind behind the restorative products developed at Univera. So how can the brain do this? Feed the brain and body what they need to stay healthy, find a way to de-stress and find a passion/purpose in life. Granted, I am simplifying this tremendously, but this is exciting folks because there is now data to support what the great ancient practitioners of Yoga and other spiritual practices have known.
Why I find this powerful and can hardly contain myself while writing this is that the information can help us to be successful in our personal and professional lives. It can help us to tap into the creativity reserves and that imaginary space that moves to manifestation in our lives. You see we have a choice in how we use our brain.
Do you have a Super Brain or a Baseline Brain?
According to Deepak and Tanzi to build a "Super Brain" we need to use the gift nature has given us. Everyday we have the choice to be leader, inventor, teacher and user of the electrical and chemical activity going on in the brain. Genes do play a role, but the genes like the brain are dynamic in nature and not as set in stone as prior myths led us to believe.
WOW!!!!!Do you see the possibilities if we choose to wake up everyday and step into daily life as LEADER, INVENTOR, TEACHER, and USER of the brain. We have the opportunity to choose between the everyday brain, referred to in the Super Brain book as baseline brain, or this immensely powerful position of creator. They define Super Brain in the book as "a fully aware creator using the brain to maximum advantage".
Does that sound Empowering or what?
The book breaks down all of the areas listed above leader, inventor, teacher, and user into how a baseline brain looks as opposed to a Super Brain. Because I believe Empower Network is based on using a "Super Brain and is creating many Leaders I want to share that with you today. All of the 4 categories can impact our ability to be successful in life. Stay tuned for more about this in my future blogs.
Baseline Brain
I don't ask myself to behave very differently today than I did yesterday.
I am a creature of habit.
I don't stimulate my mind with new things very often.
I like familiarity. Its the most comfortable way to live.
If I'm being honest, there's boring repetition at home, work, and in my relationships.
Super Brain
I look upon every day as a new world.
I pay attention not to fall into bad habits, and if one sets in, I can break it fairly easy.
I like to improvise.
I abhor boredom, which to me means repetition.
I gravitate to new things in many areas of my life.
Taken from Super Brain written by Deepak Chopra, MD and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D
This explosion of scientific research that is validating what many of us on the spiritual path have known and have been trying to implement in our lives for years is not only validating but Empowering. Folks that want to poo poo the power of positive thinking as fluff and just touchy feely kind of stuff are now confronted with research that indicates otherwise. Folks that think their gene make up is the ultimate indicator of how they will experience life and is set in a predetermined course of our ancestors is debunked.
What choice are you going to make?
... baseline brain
I know what my choice is.
I know what choice David Wood and David Sharpe of Empower Network have made. Their training modules are pushing many of us outside of our comfort zones and asking us to use our brains and creative juices to make the life we want. They also teach the power of visualization, and positive thinking in the process of manifesting your true desires.
I feel incredibly blessed to be activating my Super Brain and embarking on this tremendous opportunity to expand my business in such a creative and expansive way.
Happy Supersizing your brain to success!
Anita Jagt
Yoga Mama Blogging Success
I hope you enjoyed the article!
When I got involved in Network Marketing I was overwhelmed with all the information especially when I got online. Now that I am building a successful business online I am determined to help others do the same. I can move you through a process that teaches you how to use your "Super Brain" power to ignite your own particular creative juices. All of this, without having to move through all the layers of crap like I did, to find the pot of gold. There is a lot of mis-information and just plain hype out there. I can show you a program that provides a blogging system with real tools and real education to use those tools to be successful online. You will learn to be comfortable in your skin and not asked to duplicate an old outdated system that doesn't work. You will learn that powerful super brain tools such as,visualization and positive thought, and action are responsible for success. If you are ready to take your blogging and business to another level you can check out my blog and click one of the links to Empower you and your business. Http://www.anitajagt.com

Thursday, 17 January 2013

A Basic Introduction to Blogging

Web logging first appeared on the net in the mid-1990s. The term "web log" was initially coined refer to a server's log file and then expanded to include the meaning of online personal journaling. Later on, to avoid confusion, the word "blog" was adopted to refer to personal journaling. Today a blog is defined as an online publication where an author puts his or her personal thoughts and opinions from the most intimate to corporate ideas, concerns or events, in chronological order on the net.

Although, there are as many kinds of blogs on line as there are people, most of these will roughly fall into these kind of bloggers: Personal Bloggers (the original use of blogging), then there are the organizational and business Bloggers.
Organizational blogs are meant to facilitate communications between its internal and external audiences. It may also provide information for the external publics' use.
Business blogs promote products or services for profit. They also increase awareness about the company, as well as establish itself as an authority with customers, vendors, through publications that demonstrate their expertise in the market.
What are the kinds of contents that readers can find in a blog that's for distribution? The authors' ideas, opinions, expertise in his/her field of work, resumes, and home recipes, pictures, streaming audio or video clips, e-books, poetry, works, products, services and consultations.

Why have blogs become very popular compared to websites or email? Most websites are infrequently updated, while blogs have instant publishing tools which permit the author to regularly update & introduce new content. Although both have great content, websites are usually impersonal in informing their audience. While blogs allow the readers to leave their comments and feedback, to hold two-conversations with the author, who usually does the publishing and can immediately respond to his/her readers.
The blogs' abilities to reach and immediately react to an expanding mass of audience have made businesses and marketers use these as a strategic marketing tool. Additionally blogs are very efficient, cheap to use and can quickly distribute information.
However, before you decide to jump on the blogging bandwagon, take time to find out what are your objectives for creating your own blog. Is it a personal, organizational or business blog? This will help you decide on what your blog will contain, where you'd place it and what publishing tools you'll be using.

Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan
For more information on blogging and other aspects of Internet Marketing and Home Business visit Mal Keenan's newsletter: Home based business opportunities [http://www.home-business-tips-newsletter.com/]
Find a work at home business you can believe in visit: Work at home Ideas & Opportunities

How to Cash In on Blogs

Over the past year or so, more and more webmasters have been creating their own blogs (web-logs). If you don't already know, a blog is sort of an online diary which is updated at regular intervals by the author(s), and can be viewed by the public.

Blogs can have a wide variety of topics, including personal thoughts, news, sports, politics, technology, or virtually anything else you can think of. And like any other website, a blog can be used to make money.
By far the most popular way make money with your blog is to put some sort of pay-per-click text ads on it. Some companies that will pay you for doing this are Google Adsense and BidClix [http://www.bidclix.com] (MSN and Yahoo plan to launch similar programs in the near future). Depending on the topic that you choose to write about, and the current pay-per-click market conditions, your ads might make anywhere from $0.05 to $1.00 per click.

In addition to generating direct income, creating a blog can be a great way to publicize your existing websites. Simply placing a link to your site at the top of your blog can potentially bring in a nice stream of targeted visitors.
To start publishing your own blog, you should visit Blogger.com, and to pick up some free traffic for it, check out Blog Explosion.
For more internet marketing articles and online business resources, please visit WealthStream.info...
Jeremy Maddock has been a successful internet marketer for over three years, and is the webmaster of http://www.WealthStream.info.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

How To Sell A Million Dollars Online Using Free Blogs Only

Considering what Blogs are continuing to do for many online entrepreneurs - and especially the prosperity they have brought, it is nor surprising that the popularity of blogs continues to skyrocket by the day.

The problem is that most people have not fully woken up to the facts and despite the fact that blogs are familiar to many, they hardly realize half their potential or what they can do for them and their online businesses.
The truth is that a free blog can easily help you generate a million dollars within a short period of time.
To start with most folks still hold on to the fact that a free site cannot do much for anybody. The thinking that has prevailed, which sounds reasonable enough is that a free site is not able to portray a good enough image to attract serious bucks and serious sales. This thinking is not only outdated but also seriously flawed. To start with blogs are best used as referral tools. The job a blog does best is to refer traffic to a site, with a fully registered domain name and hosted by a reliable web host where the transaction or sale will actually take place. Secondly blogs have a super new image as places where you can get such useful valuable free information that the fact that a blog is using a free host has increasingly become irrelevant.

I know people who not only make a good living from free blogs but are well on their way to clocking that magic figure of a million dollars in sales generated with the help of their free blogs. But don't take my word for it, just go to your favorite search engine and do a search, any search and see how many free blogs appear at the top of your list of search results. If you used popular search terms then this could mean hundreds of thousands of visitors every week for many blogs. That's blog power for you, that's free blog power for you.
The purpose of this article is to give you a plan of how to generate a million dollars online using only free blogs. So let's get on with it.

To Generate Serious Cash, Image is Critical
He real reason why sites like Amazon.com took off in a hurry and raked in such obscene amounts of cash, so quickly, can be traced back to their image-building early on.
In real life the quickest way a person gains a reputation is from what others have to say about them. Human nature does not suddenly change on the web, if anything it is greatly enhanced and magnified.
In the case of Amazon, the fact that hundreds and thousands of people started writing their personal reviews of books available at Amazon.com did one key image-building job. It portrayed the site as an extremely popular and therefore useful site to head to.

Many smart online entrepreneurs have used blogs to do exactly the same thing for their sites. While everybody has been busy trying to quickly build massive links to their blogs and sites, smart entrepreneurs with exactly the same objective in mind, have started the whole exercise in a different way. The idea is to start off trying to trigger comments on your blog or site. It is unlikely that somebody will say something about your site without creating a link to it - at the very least, they will mention it's address.
One of the effective methods that many businesses large and small are using is that of paying writers and bloggers to write content that mentions their sites. Apart from this creating valuable genuine links pointing to their site, done properly it can easily trigger off a massive number of comments (and links) to the client site. Getting writers to create blogs and mention and comment on your business favorably is not as expensive an undertaking as you may think.
Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer and entrepreneur. Read the rest of this article at his Blog Profits blog.

Why Google Blog Search Matters to Your Business

According to Google, Google's Blog Search is "Google search technology focused on blogs". It includes search engine results specific to blogs not just in the Blogger.com community, but across the blogosphere at large.

What the Big Deal Is
A lot of people have probably heard about this extra version of search Google has added and are greeting it with a big yawn, particularly since it's still in Beta. So what is the big deal, anyway?
The big deal is that the top search engine in the world, which was already paying particular attention to blogs in regular search results, seems to make a subtle statement with the introduction of blog-specific searches.
Blogs are important enough to warrant their own special level of search, and not just as an advanced search option, but in their own search engine.
If search engines are paying attention to blogging that closely, you should be too -- if you want better search engine results.
Current fans of blogs will be able to search the freshest results so that they can see what is being discussed right now - information that is often as fresh as the news, and draws upon sources that the media-at-large either doesn't have ready access to, or interest in.
So to those with even the most obscure interests or hobbies, a blog search powered by a top search engine gives ready access to fresh information on any subject that someone can blog about.
And if a blog doesn't yet exist on these narrow themes? You can be the one to start the discussion.
Why It Matters to Your Business
Speaking of the media, this is likely to become one of the many tools that a journalist in the know would use in order to research a story, or to find out more information about a company, directly from the people who use its products or services.

Technorati, is at present, arguably a better tool, but it's just not as well known as the Google brand. If you're a power searcher, you already know what Technorati is. But the key thing to understand is that most consumers - even B2B consumers - aren't as deeply involved in the internet.
But even those folks know what Google is.
There's an even more obvious advantage to this specialized search.
Google Blog search has the unprecedented potential to bring the mainstream surfer into blogging, even more than Yahoo's RSS Headlines pioneered the start of making RSS mainstream about a year ago. Why?
While many of your clients will fall instantly in love with RSS, it's more fair to them to present its possibilities in a format that's easier for them to digest. It's not as hard to explain a blog - and if you can't you can simply tell them it's a more frequently updated part of your existing site.
When Google's Blog Search is brought more to the front in coming months, if your site gets into position to be visible when more of the internet population becomes blog-happy, then the traffic potential for your site may prove to be enormous.
The proper use of one RSS feed in one of my content management systems doubled my traffic, with most of the new users coming from Yahoo, this time last year. Another feed increased my daily traffic another 75%, and brought me additional return traffic as well.
At the time the margin between Yahoo and Google was wider than it is today -- so the potential increase from being in Google boggles the mind.

How to Get Listed
According to the Blog Search Help Page:
"If your blog publishes a site feed in any format and automatically pings an updating service (such as Weblogs.com), we should be able to find and list it. Also, we will soon be providing a form that you can use to manually add your blog to our index, in case we haven't picked it up automatically. Stay tuned for more information on this."
This means that if you're already blogging - and responsibly pinging, you're probably already listed.
If you haven't been blogging, you're in luck. This special brand of Google search is still in Beta, so if you get moving now, you still have enough time to start getting into position. And since the search currently seems to be focused on freshness and relevance, if you keep up the blogging once you start, and you keep your theme narrow, you could still dominate your niche.
Do It Today
The mantra for blogging before was that, proper blogging is a sure fire way to increase traffic, as well as build stronger ties to your end users or clients, not to mention that it is the simplest of the many implementations of RSS.
Now, with all three major search engines paying more attention to both RSS and Blogging, you can get spidered more frequently, get more of your pages indexed more deeply, and be included in more searches.
You have absolutely no time to waste - if you're not blogging already, you need to get started quickly. Many webmasters are hesitating because they haven't been able to find a blog system that fits well with their site, or find the most popular tools too sophisticated for their needs.
There are literally dozens of free resources to help you decide between the standard systems that were originally built for the personal blogger, and the more robust solutions that are aimed at the medium-sized or corporate company - but that's another article.
Whatever you chose, the important thing is to get started blogging today. You'll be missing out on targeted traffic from the most dominant search engine, from the most sophisticated surfers today, and sooner than you know it, the mainstream web.
Tinu Abayomi-Paul is the co-owner of Leveraged Promotion, which provides many solutions for companies who prefer to out-source their online promotion needs. At [http://blog.leveragedpromotion.com] you can find out more about how RSS, Blogs, and Podcasting can increase your online visibility.

Use These 7 Ideas and You Will Never Suffer From Blog Block Again Guaranteed!

Is this you? It has been 3 or 4 days since you updated Your Blog. You know you need to make a Blog entry but you suffer from the Dreaded Blog Block. Here are 7 things you can write about so you will never suffer from Blog Block Again

1 - Write An Article
Do you have an Article handy that you wrote before? Have you been meaning to write that article but still haven't gotten around to it. Maybe now you should. Need a topic for that article just ask yourself some of these questions
  • What am I good at?
  • What do I like to do?
  • What do people ask me for advice on?
  • Is there a better way to do a task?

2 - Someone Else's Article.
Also known ass OPC (Other People's Content) Just go to an Article Directory and Find an Article related to your Blog. Have an opening sentence or 2 why you chose the article and a closing paragraph with related link to one of your web pages
3 - A Blurb about one of your web pages.
A Short 3 or 4 line Summary about your web page and then direct them to your link for more information.

4 - A Quick Tip
A Tip is something that is too short to qualify as an article but important enough to deserve a Blog Entry. If you are a Gardner you may write a short 2 to 10 Line Tip on the best way to keep the rabbits from eating your Carrots.
5 - A Review of your Website
This is a fantastic way to draw attention to your web site. Write a review of your web site. Gloss over the Weak Spots Brag about the good points. (Just don't over do it)
6 - A Review of your Blog
If you have more then one blog then see Step 5 and write a review of your other Blog or even a post in your other blog
7 - Coming Attractions
It's 3am you have a great Idea for an Article but you just don't feel like writing it now. Create a Blcg entry stating that you will write the article Shortly with a brief summary of the Article. This gives you something to write about now and ensures you don't forget to write the full article later.

Here are a few Bonus Ideas to ensure you never suffer from Blog Block.
  • Quote of the Day
  • Fact of the Day
  • Software Review
  • product Review
  • the latest Rumor or Gossip
  • Current Events
When all else fails write about something cute that your Child, Grandchild or Pet Did.
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members
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